Now our sensor is fully operational, so let's design its simulation: After adding the hex file to the sensor, click on the Ok button to close the properties panel.In the Upload Hex File section, browse to your sensor's hex file, as shown in below figure:.So, double click on your sensor to open its properties panel.In order to operate the magnetic Hall Effect sensor, we need to add a hex file in its properties panel.(We have placed the hex file in the Library folder).We will attach a potentiometer to the Test Pin, for variable voltage levels.If Test Pin is 5V, the sensor will feel a maximum magnetic field.If Test Pin is at 0V, the sensor will feel no magnetic field.As the voltage at Test Pin will increase, the sensor will consider it as magnetic density is increasing around.As it's stimulation, so we can't actually create a magnetic field around the sensor, that's why we have placed this Test Pin.As we have seen this simulated model of KY-024 has five pins in total:.Let's design a simple simulation to have a look at its working: So, we have successfully added these sensors to our Proteus software. Let's place these four Hall Effect sensors' models in our Proteus workspace.In the components search box, make a search for "Magnetic Hall" and you will get four results, as shown in the below figure:.Now, open Proteus ISIS and if you are already working on it, restart it.If you are facing problems with adding a library in Proteus 7 or 8 Professional, then have a look at How to add a new Library in Proteus 8 Professional.We need to place these files in the Library folder of our Proteus software.

In this folder, you will find three Proteus Library files, named:.In this zip file, we need to open the folder titled Proteus Library Files.First of all, download the Proteus Library zip file for Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor, by clicking the below button:.Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor Library(Ky-024) for Proteus So, let's install its Proteus Library and simulate it: There are many different breakout boards available but they all are using the same sensor i.e.KY-024 is the sensor's model used for measuring magnetic density.Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor is used to measure the density of magnetic field in the surroundings using Hall Effect Principle.First, we will have a look at the brief overview of Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor, then will add its Library in proteus and will simulate it. In this library, you will find 4 models of the KY-024 Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor. We are sharing this library for the first time and we hope it will help students in their final year & semester projects. Today, I am going to share a new Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor Library for Proteus.

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing fine.